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Cloud2SQL can be installed using Homebrew on macOS or Python pip on Linux, Windows, and macOS.

Homebrew (macOS)​

brew install someengineering/tap/cloud2sql

The installation process will take a couple of minutes.

Python pip (Linux, Windows, macOS)​

The below command will install the cloud2sql command to ~/.local/bin/ on Linux, ~/Library/Python/3.<version>/bin/ on macOS, or %APPDATA%\Python\bin\ on Windows. (Make sure those directories are part of your PATH environment variable.)

$ pip3 install --user 'cloud2sql[all]'

If you are unsure where pip installs user packages, you can run python3 -m site --user-base to find out. The binaries will be in the bin subdirectory of the path returned by the command.


Python 3.9+ and pip are required. If your system has Python 3.9+ but not pip, you can install pip using the command python3 -m ensurepip.


If you only require support for a specific database, you can choose between cloud2sql[snowflake], cloud2sql[parquet], cloud2sql[postgresql], and cloud2sql[mysql] instead of installing cloud2sql[all].


Snowflake currently only supports Python 3.10. If you are using Python 3.11, use a database-specific package instead of cloud2sql[all].